Friday, March 30, 2007

Er, the real "hardest Sudoku"

Following the comment from Malcom below, I've run my Sudoku solver against the real "AL Escargot"...

Using Saxon from the command line with the -3 option (to discount java startup time) the average time across three runs is 2213ms... which isn't bad at all.

This is when I just solve the puzzle starting at the top-left - if I turn on the ordering feature where empty cells are processing by least number of possibilities first, then the time dramatically increases to ~58 seconds, which shows why Sudoku is NP-complete.

If you're interested the solution it produced is:

1, 6, 2,   8, 5, 7,   4, 9, 3
5, 3, 4,   1, 2, 9,   6, 7, 8
7, 8, 9,   6, 4, 3,   5, 2, 1

4, 7, 5,   3, 1, 2,   9, 8, 6
9, 1, 3,   5, 8, 6,   7, 4, 2
6, 2, 8,   7, 9, 4,   1, 3, 5

3, 5, 6,   4, 7, 8,   2, 1, 9,
2, 4, 1,   9, 3, 5,   8, 6, 7,
8, 9, 7,   2, 6, 1,   3, 5, 4,

Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Worlds Hardest Sudoku

A mathematician claims to have penned the world's hardest Sudoku puzzle.

Running it through my Sudoku Solver it took ~24 seconds on my work machine (most puzzles are sub 1 second on the same machine) so I would think it must be reasonably hard.